March 8, 2021
PLACE: Training Room – Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.
PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, James Zenner (who entered at 5:35PM), Mike Jensen, Michelle Lyons and Tyler Nelson; Fire Chief Dave Kuther, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell and Clerk-Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Guest’s present were residents Mary Ann Hess and Mike Wasko representing the Senior Center and Janet Brennan with Brady Industries.
Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman.
MINUTES of the previous meeting of 2/8/2021 and 3/1/2021 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Nelson, motion was seconded by CM. Lyons, motion carried.
The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated March 8, 2021 was examined and approved, showing the following:
Funds on Hand $447,551.61 (Approximate as no Pool info received)
All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Nelson and seconded by Cm. Lyons in the total of $109,191.09 check numbers 15774 through 15810. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $38,543.20. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well as the Payment Approval Report for March.
At this time, the mayor will call for any comments from the public on any subject whether or not it is on the agenda for any item (s) the public may wish to bring forward and discuss. Please limit comments to three (3) minutes. The City Council does not take any action or make any decisions during public comment. To request Council action during the business portion of a Council meeting, contact the City Clerk at least one week in advance of a meeting.
Senior Center: Mary Ann Hess and Mike Wasko were present as there had been a request by the cook to be on the agenda, but when the announcement came out that the senior center was closed until further notice Clerk Schmidt removed the item from the agenda. Let it be noted that the one who requested to be on the agenda was not present at the meeting. Therefore, Senior Center Treasurer Mary Ann Hess informed the council that they have arranged for the Cottonwood center to make meals for the housebound and that volunteers are delivering the meals. They were reluctant to discuss more at this time about the status at the center. They asked that the locks be changed as the building belongs to the city and they have no idea how many keys are out there. Maintenance Cardwell will take care of making sure the locks are changed out. There was a question of when Hope Baptist Church plans to move into the upstairs of the building. Clerk Schmidt confirmed the church will be renovating the upstairs and will move in but could be a year out.
1. Brady Industries – Janet Brennan, Janitorial Supply: Janet informed the council that she has just moved to the Kamiah area and works for Brady Industries which is a wholesale supply janitorial company. Janet talked about the products recommended for sanitizing for covid and other products that would be beneficial to the city. After her presentation Cm. Nelson made a motion to have Janet do a walk-through of city buildings and come up with an inclusive list of supplies for the city, Cm. Jensen seconded the motion, motion carried.
2. Property Bids – Resolution 2021-3 Authorizing the Sale of Certain Real Estate: Mayor Bateman opened the bids received. Thomas and Sherrie Scott bid 15,100 on Lots 7-9 of Block 19 of Johnson’s First Addition; Craig Barnett bid $15,025 on Lots 10-12 of Block 19 of Johnson’s First Addition; Clint Buck bid $15,751.00 on Lots 4-6 of Block 21 of Johnson’s First Addition and Rosalea Figgins bid $10,050.00 on Lots 1 & 2 of Block 21 of Johnson’s First Addition. Cm. Zenner made a motion to accept the bids with the following adjustments: Scott $15,000; Barnett $15,000; Buck $15,000 and Figgins $10,000, Cm. Lyons seconded the motion. Mayor Bateman called for a Roll Call Vote:
Cm. Jensen Aye,
Cm. Zenner Aye,
Cm. Nelson Aye,
Cm. Lyons Aye. Motion carried.
Mayor Bateman had the council review Resolution 2021-3 Authorizing the Sale of Certain Real Estate. Cm. Zenner moved to accept the resolution, Cm. Lyons seconded the motion. Mayor Bateman called for a Roll Call Vote:
Cm. Jensen Aye,
Cm. Zenner Aye,
Cm. Nelson Aye,
Cm. Lyons Aye. Motion carried.
3. Audit Hang-up: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that Steve Clack who has been the city auditor for years called and will be up to hopefully fix the balance discrepancy that the new auditor would charge extra for. Mayor Bateman added that the new auditor will be increasing the audit price 2% each year which isn’t bad after pricing out a couple other firms.
4. FEMA Project Update: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that she has finalized the information for the EMS Covid Project. Every day we are inching our way to approval of the project and reimbursement.
5. Fire Chief Benefits – Wage & Retirement: Mayor Bateman would like the council to consider raising the Fire Chief pay as we are seeing our neighbor cities increasing their chief’s pay and benefits. Following discussion, the Mayor asked the council to think about it and we will address the issue again next month. Mayor Bateman reminded the council that if they were interested in raising council pay that it will have to be done prior to the coming years’ budget and to think about that as well.
6. Employee Wage Proposal: Mayor Bateman proposed that the employees receive a $1.00 an hour raise across all positions. He added that no raises were given last year due to the uncertainties of covid on the budget. Following discussion, Cm. Lyons made a motion to approve the wage increase for the employees of $1.00 per hour, motion was seconded by Cm. Nelson, motion carried. The council signed the proposed request and the increase is effective April 1, 2021.
7. Prairie Day – July 9th & 10th: The Prairie Day Association has scheduled Prairie Day and wanted the council informed of the dates. Mayor Bateman asked Chief Kuther if there were plans for a Fireman’s Ball and Kuther replied that nothing has been set and if they do something it will be a take-out dinner like they did last year.
8. Arbor Day – Date & Proclamation: Following some ideas for an Arbor Day project the date for Arbor Day in Nezperce will be April 30. Cardwell and Schmidt will begin making plans. Clerk Schmidt added that the Citywide Yard Sale Day will be May 8th; she will get on the advertising of these fun city events. Mayor Bateman signed the Arbor Day Proclamation.
1. Maintenance
Water: Summit will be here in another week to do the water utility install for the Willow Street Development. Cardwell will speak with the neighbors so that they are informed.
Sewer: Ponds are low and discharging continues. Parts are needed for the chlorine pump.
Streets: Maintenance will begin street sweeping and patching pot holes. Discussion followed on the school paving their parking lot and need for drain tile and a culvert. The superintendent asked Cardwell if the city would be willing to help with a catch basin and culvert. Mayor Bateman believes that we will be getting aid for streets and infrastructure needs in the near future. Cm. Zenner requested gravel in alleys too.
Animals: Cardwell informed the council that he was asked to assist with removal of shrubs on the corner of 5th and Birch. The shrubs are full of racoons and the property owner wants to get rid of the animal problem with the removal of the shrubs.
Miscellaneous: Cardwell informed the council that the awning at the Public Works office fell off and instead of material would like to put up metal as the snow was so heavy that it pulled the awning off the building. Cardwell has not found any surplus equipment. Airbridge has installed cameras at the RV Comfort Station.
Training: Cardwell and Mauer will be gone to a land app class on March 25th.
2. Clerk
Business cards: Clerk Schmidt will be ordering business cards as she and Cardwell are out. Lyons would like some cards no one else was interested.
March 22nd camera testing: The Mayor of Ferdinand has scheduled a training on a sewer camera for March 22nd at 2PM in Cottonwood. Anyone interested is invited to attend.
3. Fire Department:
Mayor Bateman asked the Chief about burning a house and the chief replied that it would need to be hauled out of town; it really isn’t possible to do in town any more as there are too many liabilities.
Equipment/Building: Kuther added that the department is in line for a bunch of equipment from a department that is upgrading. Kuther has installed kick down door stops in the EMS building. Maintenance will be working on finishing the interior of a room on the dirty side of the building.
Cm. Jensen explained to the council that there has been much discussion of building an auxiliary gym as having one gym makes it difficult for kids to get practice time. One idea is to build where the tennis courts are located. Mayor Bateman spoke with Dodd Snodgrass of CEDA about a block grant. Snodgrass suggested that a recreation district be formed as block grants do not fund these kinds of projects. A rec district could use the same taxing district boundaries as the school. Of course, there are procedures to setting up a taxing district. Mayor Bateman offered to go to the commissioners with the idea of creating a district and try to get their support.
Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: April 12th and May 10th at 5:30PM
Trainings: Maintenance will be attending an IRWA training 3/25/21
Clerk Vacation Day: March 22 and 23, 2021
The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, April 12th at 5:30 PM at City Hall.
________________________ _____________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer