November 9, 2020
PLACE: Training Room – Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.
PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, Michelle Lyons, Mike Jensen, and Tyler Nelson, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell and Clerk-Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Councilman Jim Zenner entered the meeting at 5:47PM. Guests present were JUB Engineer Amy Uptmor and Dodd Snodgrass of CEDA.
Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman
1. Idaho Community Development Block Grant Application for Wastewater Project: No members of the public were present to ask questions. Grant Writer Dodd Snodgrass informed the council that he feels the application (when it is complete) will be strong. We are applying for Phase 1 of the project and later will apply for Phase 2. Thankfully the community overwhelming passed the bond and the LMI is below the required 54.2%. Dodd had a handout and covered the application information including funding sources and amounts. It is anticipated that there will be an environmental review this spring. USDA Representative John Lynn is working on the sewer rates. John will be going after funds and he has had great success in the past.
MINUTES of the previous meetings of 10/13/20 and 10/26/20 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Nelson, motion was seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried.
The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated November 9, 2020 was examined and approved, showing the following:
Funds on Hand $41,546.22
All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Lyons in the total of $32,041.57 check numbers 15618 through 15656 with check number. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $43,452.71. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well as the Payment Approval Report for November.
1. Bond Passes – Next Steps, Appraisal: The conversation then turned to property acquisition. Engineer Uptmor asked about digging a test hole to check out the proposed site, we need to know that the property we are working to acquire will work. Currently the excavator we plan to use is on a project. Mayor Bateman will check on the availability of the excavator. Clerk Schmidt has been working on finding an appraiser and has contacted one person and will try to find another for a cost comparison. The appraisal is a couple months out and meanwhile we can work on a purchase and sale agreement for the whole piece of property contingent upon the appraisal. Uptmor will speak with the city attorney about the purchase and sale agreement. Amy will also follow up on alternative financing to purchase the property.
2. idWARN Updated Mutual Aid Agreement: The city has participated in idWARN since its inception and the group has updated the standard Agreement. Cm. Zenner made a motion to sign the new agreement to continue participation in idWARN, motion was seconded by Cm. Lyons, motion carried.
3. 6 on 6 off Water Accounts – Policy Change: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that there are a few 6 on 6 off customers that run water all year long and we read those meters whether it is the off season or not. This has created addition work tracking the water usage on those that do use the water year-round. Clerk Schmidt would like to bill those customers each month. Those customers would not have to pay more than they pay now but if they use water they would get billed in the month of its usage. Following discussion Cm. Jensen made a motion to bill 6 on and off customers each month at $8.38 for the hook-up and including any water used each month. Cm. Lyons seconded the motion, motion carried. The council added that one of those customers needs a meter installed.
4. Building Inspection – Adopt Commercial Fee Schedule for Residential: Following discussion Cm. Nelson moved to not adopt the Commercial Schedule for Residential while Cm. Lyons seconded the motion, motion carried.
5. Willow Street Development – Survey, Contractor: Clerk Schmidt reported that the surveyor called and has scheduled the survey to begin by the end of the month. The council followed with a discussion regarding hiring a contractor to install the sewer as our maintenance department doesn’t have the manpower or equipment for the install. The council instructed Maintenance Cardwell to get a contractor to bid the sewer job. Cardwell feels that the water install can be handled by the maintenance department after the line is bored in by a contractor.
6. Lien Ordinance for Delinquent Utility Bills: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that she read where Kooskia adopted an ordinance that allows the city to lien utility customers property for delinquent bills recently and sent it to the city attorney to get his opinion. Will Herrington said that he would like to see a little more information in an ordinance and will get us something to review.
7. Nuisance Letters Update: The council decided that they do not want to ask for delinquent utility until the ordinance passes.
8. Cares Money: Clerk Schmidt reported that she is working on the FEMA reimbursement and with that was approached by Shari Kuther of the Ambulance Services about Cares Money and if the city has any to assist the ambulance with replacing an old defibrillator. Schmidt contacted Cares and was informed that indeed they have allowed Cares funds for defibrillators. The City of Nezperce is allocated $16,100 in Cares Stimulus Funds so would the city be willing to use those funds to help the ambulance. Schmidt stated that the city has nothing else to use the funds on as all the purchases for the EMS building are going on the FEMA project grant. She contacted FEMA to inquire if they would fund a defibrillator and they told her no. Following discussion Mayor Bateman and Clerk Schmidt will check with other Lewis County cities and the county to see if they have any funds left over to assist with the defibrillator as the ambulance serves those cities as well.
1. Maintenance
Water: Maintenance Cardwell reported that not much going on with water. He did complete a nitrate sampling and purchased supplies for flushing hydrants.
Sewer: Discharging has begun at the ponds; a hand rail was installed and dechlorination tablets were ordered.
Streets: Got a plow on the dump truck to help with snow removal.
RV Park: We have suffered another round of vandalism in the RV Park bathrooms. Cardwell described the damage and he spoke with Airbridge who has offered to put up 4 cameras the next time they are in town. Cardwell added that we are pretty sure we know who the culprits are but if they see lights on in the bathrooms to stop in and chase the kids off.
Fire Station: Maintenance has completed the landscaping including planting grass. The flag pole is up and will add a solar light for the flag. He plans to install a rain gutter in the back to help with run off.
2. Clerk
Airport Property Exchange: At a recent meeting Attorney Herrington suggested we abandon another area adjacent to the hanger building we are trading to Kuther. This area was missed when the council in 1976 abandoned Elm and 2nd Avenue to build the building. Instead Herrington suggests we give Kuther an Encroachment clause in the deed allowing Kuther the right to the property as long as the building is there. If something happens to the building the city can make sure he builds back in the same footprint. If we did abandon the north half of 2nd Avenue then that half of the street would go to Prairie Highway and we would have additional problems to solve.
Audit: We have been notified that auditor Steve Clack sold the business so we are waiting to find out who purchased it and when the audit will start.
3. Fire Department – No report
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 6:45PM.
Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: December 14th and January 11th at 5:30PM
Holiday Closures: November 11th, 26th & 27th and December 25th and January 1st
The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, December 14 at 5:30 PM at City Hall.
______________________ __________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer