(Minutes subject to council approval)
March 13, 2023
PLACE: Training Room, Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.
PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, Tyler Nelson, Mike Jensen and Kimberly Ingram via Zoom, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell, Office Assistant Kim Johnson Ingram, and Clerk/Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Absent was Councilmember James Zenner and Fire Chief Dave Kuther. Guests present: Sheriff Davis, Brad Fischer and Amy Uptmor.
MINUTES of the previous meeting of 2/13/2023 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Jensen was seconded by Cm. Nelson, motion carried.
The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated March 13, 2023 was examined and approved, showing the following:
Funds on Hand $482,288.73
All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Nelson and seconded by Cm. Jensen in the total of $95,021.35 check numbers 16846 through 16886. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $61,563.22. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well all signed the Claim Approval Report for March.
1. Savage Health Walk Through: The walk through was canceled by Brianne Zanin due to illness. The council will reschedule.
2. Sheriff Jason Davis – Check in: Davis gave the council a curtesy visit with department updates. New features of the 911 system: text will be available also the Sheriff’s department will be able to find people through their phones and will be able to use cameras in situations such as domestic violence. Department is going through some pains: fire and EMS page tones have not been working like they should have, it turned out to be a program change. They finally have new vehicles coming after Covid it was impossible to get any. The whole fleet really needs replaced but they don’t have the annual budget to purchase so they will be leasing; all white vehicles will be clearly marked Lewis County. Sheriff’s department has staffing needs and need to stay competitive in wage. They are in dire need of dispatchers. Chief Deputy Phil Arnzen is retiring on the 31st of March and will be missed; Jerry Williams is also leaving. Sheriff Davis stated that you can follow monthly stats on the departments Facebook page. The department has two canines helping to get drugs off the streets. City is hoping to help out some with the work load by getting their own compliance officer to deal with the little things. Sheriff Davis added that he is willing to help out with whatever it takes to get one big nuisance violator in compliance with the city ordinance.
3. Senior Center Stove Purchase: Brad Fischer wanted to give an update on the purchases the Senior Center are making. They are going with a residential propane stove after finding out about the costs on a commercial one due to the fire suppression requirements. They will need to decide what to do with the remaining money that needs to be spent by March 31st. There has been no word from the Legion as to when the city will be given the building.
4. IAMA Conference – April 6 & 7 in Boise: Mayor Bateman as airport manager will attend. Mayor Bateman would also like a council member to attend with him. (Trip cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances).
5. Lot Split Request: Glenn and Diana Sires submitted a letter asking for permission to split lot 7 and half of lot 8 from their property in Block 15. They have deeded these lots to Amber Brower and she plans to put up a new manufactured home. Cm. Nelson made a motion to approve, Cm. Jensen second, motion carried.
6. Airport Project Schedule – Bids, Awards, and Project Window: Opening of bids will be on April 4th, 2023 at 2:00pm. Council will review bids and grant the award at the April 10th, 2023 council meeting.
7. Gem Grant Storm drain Project: This is a $50,000 grant with a 20% match. Mayor Bateman and Craig Cardwell worked with Ida-Lew director Tim McDonald to put together a storm water grant on 5th Avenue from Maple Street to Oak Street to tie into the city’s existing drainage. This project will include curb, gutter, and catch basins and assist local business with drainage problems. The grant was submitted for $57,250.00 and we should expect to hear more in a few months. Tim informed that we shouldn’t have a problem getting awarded and stated that the city can continue to apply for this grant each year.
Water: Cardwell informed that there is nothing going on except for finding a few leaks.
Sewer: Maintenance has been thawing out the ponds and might need a new mixer sometime soon as this one is slowing down. Discharging has commenced and the last test came out ok. Cardwell has begun putting together the sewer line extension project. Cardwell described the 3 areas of the project and where the lines will go. Clerk Schmidt will work with Cardwell to put the package together for Cardwell to discuss with DEQ and send to 3 different contractors for bids.
WW Land App- Amy Uptmor and Colt Shelton of JUB met with the council at 4PM for a Planning meeting and gave an update and overview of the two-phase project including the layout on where the ponds will be located and materials and equipment needed for land application. The council was able to ask questions and make decisions on different aspects of the project.
Streets: Seubert’s supplied a bid and the gravel was quoted at approximately $500,000. We will be stock piling for the upcoming projects.
EMS building: Maintenance finished the bathroom on the dirty side. The contractor from the initial building construction put in a natural gas water heater on a propane line which burned out the water heater. Cardwell bought a propane water heater, but found out that it needs to be vented through the ceiling and we don’t want to do that. Cardwell had already hoisted the water heater up to the loft so will need to bring it back down and replace it with a heater that works with the existing exhaust system. Cm. Jensen suggested an instant water heater. Next to be completed will be the kitchen in the EMS building.
RV Grant: Michelle with the fair board asked about putting in RV spaces on the south end of the arena for campers at the fair because they will have no room with the new bigger fair barn. Cardwell suggested the RV Park Grant that the city received and suggested that the new bathrooms the city is planning to build in that area could be part of that project. Fair board members discussed their ideas with Cardwell as well.
Dan Johnsons Alley Request: Per Walco they will not use the alley ever due to it being too hard for their driver to navigate. Cardwell talked with Dan and suggested that the totes go to Beech.
Other: Ben passed a test for wastewater collection and will be testing for treatment next followed by drinking water. Also, maintenance will be hiring a third employee. We will need to advertise for another employee and get them onboard by June 1st.
The Fireman’s Ball is the 25th of March and they are looking for auction items. City hall will be a drop off location for the donations.
Mayor Bateman and Cw. Ingram will work on a Blue Cross grant for new bathrooms and updating the Tennis Park.
ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 6:21PM
Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: April 10th and May 8th at 7AM
The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, April 10th at 7AM at City Hall.
__________________________ _____________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer