(Minutes subject to council approval)
August 9, 2021
PLACE: Council Chambers – Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.
PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, James Zenner, Mike Jensen and Tyler Nelson, and Michelle Lyons, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell, Clerk-Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt and Office Assistant Kimberly Johnson, Fire Chief Dave Kuther was absent. Guest present was JUB Engineer Amy Uptmor.
Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman.
No members of the public were in attendance to make comment.
MINUTES of the previous meeting of 7/12/2021 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Jensen, motion was seconded by Cm. Nelson, motion carried.
The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated August 9, 2021 was examined and approved, showing the following:
Funds on Hand $649,819.37
All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Nelson and seconded by Cm. Zenner in the total of $53,433.33 check numbers 16001 through 16054. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $132,913.75. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well as the Payment Approval Report for August.
1. Land App Update – Appraisal, Property Acquisition, Environmental Report, Lagoon Seepage Test: Engineer Amy Uptmor reported on several issues that are currently pending. The environmental report is near completion. We had to advertise to the public that the proposed location for the new lagoon is in the flood plain which has been done. Rural Development is now requiring a cultural report after realizing that Nezperce is on the reservation. Therefore, Amy contacted the individual who did the last cultural report and has him working on it. In fact, the individual will be in town today to get that report started. Clerk Schmidt has been in contact with appraiser Don Kerby and things will be underway next week with the appraisal then we can move on to the property acquisition. Mayor Bateman asked about how the city will get reimbursed for the land acquisition. Uptmor described the options and reiterated that more than likely the city will be using its own funds for part of the purchase. There are always options of private financing and the bond covering some of the purchase. The seepage test is on the schedule for next week with Cardwell and Uptmor getting that completed. Uptmor also informed that John Lynn with Rural Development has retired so we will now be working with Howard Lunderstat. Rural Development was in Nezperce for a tour of our project facilities last week.
2. Surplus Equipment – Old Dump Truck 1980: Discussion ensued regarding selling the 1980 dump truck since we have just purchased a 1993 truck. Cardwell stated that he really has no reason to keep it. Following discussion of the value of the truck setting a maximum value of $5000.00 by a motion by Cm. Jensen, seconded by Cm Zenner, motion carried.
3. Airport Grant Update: Clerk Schmidt reported that she has spoken with Kayla Brown at JUB regarding a cost estimate for the engineering needed to widen the runway by 10 feet on each side. Cardwell was concerned regarding the amount of material we will be excavating but the material can go on the lagoon levy. Schmidt reiterated that the grant has been approved by aeronautics but will go through another approval process at ITD.
4. City Hall Security – AirBridge Donation Offer: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that she contacted David McNight at AirBridge about needing cameras and David offered to purchase and install the cameras as community service and asked if the city would be interested. The council will graciously accept his offer. Schmidt will follow up with David to get the process rolling.
5. Election Resolution R2021-7: Mayor Bateman asked for a motion to suspend the rules, Cm. Zenner moved to suspend the rules while Cm. Nelson seconded the motion. Roll call vote was as follows:
Jensen: Aye,
Nelson: Aye,
Zenner: Aye,
Lyons: Aye.
Motion by Cm. Zenner to accept Resolution R2021-7 as presented while Cm. Nelson seconded the motion. Roll call vote was as follows.
Jensen: Aye,
Nelson: Aye,
Zenner: Aye,
Lyons: Aye.
6. Lawnmower Quote: The quote is for $10,369.00 with a trade in and Clerk Schmidt verified that the money is in the budget for the coming year. Following discussion Cm. Jensen moved to accept the quote with a delivery date in March, Cm. Zenner seconded the motion, motion carried.
7. Proposed Budget FYE2022: Clerk Schmidt emailed the proposed budget to the council for their review. The public hearing for the budget is scheduled for August 23rd at 5:30PM. Mayor Bateman asked the council to review the budget and it is over a million dollars this year. Monies in the sewer department are inflated to cover a payment on the property and Amy predicts that we will be getting into some of the Block Grant dollars for engineering as well as spending money to finish up the Feasibility Study. Also budgeted is the second half of the American Relief Plan monies.
8. McMillion Lot/Parcel Split: Clerk Schmidt received a call from Ed McMillion regarding a property split as he has his house up for sale. This isn’t a regular request but when it does happen the city hasn’t developed a plan of action to handle the situation. Therefore, Schmidt will bring the request to the council and the council can approve or deny the request then Schmidt will follow up with a letter to the homeowner and county on the action taken. Following discussion Cm. Zenner moved to accept the request with the understanding that there will need to be a separate sewer line to the second home on his property.
9. EMS Concrete Repair Quote: Schmidt informed the council that John Miller had a quote done after having work completed at his home. This company has also done work at the Only Store and they do great work. Cm. Jensen feels strongly that the repair should be paid for by the fire department as the city is not the responsible party for the damage. Schmidt was asked to check with the insurance to see if the damage would fall under the city policy. The following excerpt from the policy reads:
With Regard to Buildings and Structures, we do not cover losses under the Property Insurance
Provided of this section resulting directly or indirectly from:
a. Settling, cracking, bulging, shrinking or expansion of any paved surfaces, foundations (including any pedestal, pad, platform or other property supporting machinery), walls, pavements, floors, ceilings or roofs,
except if damage is caused by a covered accident, or if damage to insured property is caused by earth movement or flood.
b. Extremes or changes of temperature (except to machinery or equipment) or changes in relative humidity,
1. Maintenance
Water: Well number 1 will not shut off automatically. Everyday Cardwell has to turn the well off and on as the electronic check valve doesn’t work so he called to have it repaired. Repairman Phil Strom informed that the part is obsolete and to upgrade the system, will cost around $20,000. Then the relay in the Ash Street pump went on the fritz and Cardwell had Strom repair it. Cm. Nelson moved to repair and upgrade the check valve at well 1 and have the pump repaired if it needs it when it is pulled. Cm. Zenner seconded the motion, motion carried. It was discussed that people are conserving water but as a community rationing needs to continue.
Streets: Mayor Bateman asked about how to get rid of broken-down rigs that have been sitting on the state highway at 4th and Maple. Noted: Mayor Bateman found the owners of the vehicles and they were moved the same day. Cardwell added that he has not heard anything from Knife River regarding a start date on the city street project.
Sewer: Tom Scott is putting in a house on his lots at 8th Avenue and Birch and the closest sewer mainline is in Walnut. Cardwell informed the council that he plans to run Scott’s service line down 8th Avenue to Walnut. Following discussion, it was decided to install a 6-inch line in preparation of town expansion.
Storm Drain: Cardwell will be completing the work requested by the Fair Board behind the Don Baldus Building. The Fair Board are buying the catch basin and pipe for the project.
Dump Truck: Cardwell explained that the new dump truck has an issue with the controller that lifts the bed so he ordered a new one. He also explained that a plow that fits the truck hit the surplus list in the same area and it was purchased for $350.00; he was able to bring it back at the same time.
Animal Control: Maintenance has been busy catching and relocating racoons outside of town.
2. Clerk
Bev Harding: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that Bev Harding had a complaint regarding Seventh Avenue and people not stopping at the stop sign. Plus, she was not happy that the street was oiled saying that she prefers the dust over the oil but would really like the street paved.
3. Fire Department-No report
The council noted that the property at 3rd Avenue and Pine Street is looking better as someone has been cleaning it up. Cm. Zenner would like to see something done at the south entrance to town. He added that it is an eye sore that needs cleaned up plus the weeds on the other side of the highway need sprayed.
The council discussed dog issues noting that the Clairmont dogs have been doing less barking but there are other dogs in the same area that are barking still. The Dreadfulwater’s dogs have been barking downtown as well, they recently moved onto the lot next door.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:05AM.
Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: September 13th at 7:00AM
Budget Public Hearing: August 23rd at 5:30PM
Clerks Conference: In Boise on September 21-23
III-A Wellness Clinic: September 28th
The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, September 13th at 7AM at City Hall.
__________________________ _____________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer