
(Minutes subject to council approval)
February 8, 2021

PLACE: Training Room – Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.


PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, James Zenner (who entered at 5:35PM), Mike Jensen, Michelle Lyons and Tyler Nelson. Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell and Clerk-Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Guest present was resident Craig Barnett.

Pledge of Allegiance:  The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman.

MINUTES of the previous meeting of 1/11/2021 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Nelson, motion was seconded by Cm.  Lyons, motion carried.

The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated February 8, 2021 was examined and approved, showing the following:

                    Funds on Hand                   $533,253.28

All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Zenner and seconded by Cm. Lyons in the total of $35,150.24 check numbers 15740 through 15773. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $155,934.06. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well as the Payment Approval Report for February.


1.  Surplus List – Equipment: Council reviewed the proposed call to bid. Maintenance Cardwell informed the council that the pickup bed is complete and was never used; the scroll saw is in good condition and he has never had a use for it. Following review of the notice and discussion of the items Cm. Nelson moved to deem the items as surplus and put out to bid, Cm. Jensen seconded the motion, motion carried.

2.  Property Sale – Public Hearing Date Set: Clerk Schmidt described to the council that per Idaho Code the lots the city has sold and still has for sale need to be advertised with the council setting a price per lot and then the lots go out to bid. In order for the city to correctly reconvey the property we will need to unwind the sales followed by a public hearing. This gives the public the opportunity to question and comment on property sales and bid on the lots. A copy of the Public Hearing Notice was included in the council’s packets for their review. Following discussion Cm. Zenner moved to set a price at $5,000 per lot, motion was seconded by Cm. Nelson, roll call vote as follows: Cm. Jensen, aye; Cm. Zenner, aye; Cm. Nelson, aye; Cm. Lyons, aye, motion carried with all ayes. The public hearing date is March 1, 2021 at 6PM, bids will be opened at the next regularly scheduled meeting on March 8, 2021.

3.  Executive Session – IC74-206 (f): The council decided to not go to executive session as they did not have any questions of counsel.

4.  Willow Street Development: Maintenance Cardwell explained the bid to install sewer line to the Willow Street lots. Following discussion of the bid the council agreed to table any utility installation until the lot sale issue is completed next month.

5.  Block Grant Application Update: The city received news that the Block Grant application has moved to the second round. Which is wonderful news. Grant writer Dodd Snodgrass will be putting together an addendum which is due early March. The addendum will provide any information on the status of the project since the November application. Not much has changed in the last months as we are still awaiting a finalized survey so that the appraiser can begin. Engineer Amy Uptmor provided an email in the council packets on what she has done the last month. Mayor Bateman was approached by another property owner who would be interested in making a proposal to the council.

6.  Fair Housing Resolution: Per a requirement of the Block Grant the council needs to declare April as Fair Housing Month by Resolution and have it advertised. A motion to declare April as Fair Housing month was made by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Zenner, motion carried.


             1.  Maintenance

Sewer: Maintenance Cardwell reported that they have been meeting their limits on discharging this month. Good news! He added that he needs to add rip rap to the lagoon banks as the birds are eroding them. The city doesn’t own the equipment needed to do this project and if he has to use his personal equipment the city will have to pay for the use approximately $40 per hour. This prompted a conversation on buying surplus equipment and doing our own projects versus paying to have projects done. Cardwell will watch for equipment on difference surplus sites. Cardwell will be scheduling a seepage test once he finds someone who does them.

Backhoe:  The backhoe radiator was fixed and it was still under warranty.

Streets: A few potholes have surfaced over the winter that need addressed.

Signage: Cardwell showed the council a picture of a sign he recently saw and the council agreed that we need the sign. The sign read “Dog Waste is a threat to the health of our children. Degrades our town. Transmits disease. Leash curb and clean up after your dog…it’s required by law.” Also, the council approved dog waste receptacles for downtown. There was also discussion regarding surveillance signage.

Training: Cardwell and Mauer will be signing up for classes to get their CEU’s.

          2.  Clerk
Forms: W’2s completed in January so moving on to 1099’s and medical forms.

Welcome Baskets: The Garden Club is putting together baskets for new residents and came in and got brochures from city hall.

6 on and 6 off customers: Clerk Schmidt decided to turn on the water usage billing for the 6/on6/off accounts in Black Mountain so if they run water in the off season it can be tracked easily and a bill should print instead of the other idea of charging customers the base year-round. There are only a few that run water year-round.

Audit: The rest of the month was spent responding to emails from the auditor, tracking down reports, invoices and such. Schmidt has found that this year’s audit takes more time than having the auditors in house.

           3.  Fire Department – Chief not present, no report.

COUNCIL COMMENT: Cm. Nelson will be the city representative on the CEDA board.

ADJOURNMENT – Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.

Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings:  March 8th and April 12th at 5:30PM
Trainings: Maintenance will be attending an IRWA training 3/25/21
Clerk Vacation Day: March 23, 2021

The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, March 8th at 5:30 PM at City Hall.

_____________________      _____________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor                 Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer