(Minutes subject to council approval)
November 8, 2021
PLACE: Training Room, Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.
PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, Michelle Lyons, James Zenner and Mike Jensen; Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell, Clerk-Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt and Office Assistant Kimberly Johnson. Guests present were Tom Scott and Kim Ingram via Zoom. Fire Chief Dave Kuther and Cm. Tyler Nelson were absent.
Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman.
No members of the public were in attendance to make comment.
MINUTES of the previous meeting of 10/12/21 were approved as emailed upon a motion by
Cm. Zenner was seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried.
The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated November 8, 2021 was examined and approved, showing the following:
Funds on Hand $592,770.43
All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Zenner and seconded by Cm. Lyons in the total of $66,037.97 check numbers 16150 through 16185. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $59,937.89. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well as the Payment Approval Report for November.
1. Building Inspection: This is the first council meeting since learning that Jim Yeoman passed away to discuss what the next steps are to finding a new inspector. Clerk Schmidt mentioned that she has been approached by a couple people who are interested in the position or wanted to know what the position requires. Tom Scott informed the council that he is interest in the position and would like to acquire Lewis County and Nezperce. He stated that he would get his certification but would like to know what the city wants before he spends the money for the classes. Mayor
Bateman said that we will advertise for the position, perform interviews and hire. Mayor Bateman prefers that an applicant has their certification when applying. Following discussion, it was decided to advertise for the position, review applications at the next meeting and the council will make the decision on who to interview then the mayor will do the interviewing and hire in January. Mayor Bateman informed the council that they are more than welcome to attend the interviews.
2. Land App Update – Property Acquisition: Mayor Bateman read a letter from Ron Payne declined the city offer. Engineer Amy Uptmor emailed the mayor a few ideas for offers and the council agreed to the ideas. Amy will send the ideas to Rural Development and the city attorney to get their input and then Bateman and Amy will meet with Ron Payne. Clerk Schmidt will contact the appraiser and get a quote to appraise the 30 acres adjacent to the lagoons. Mayor Bateman read the engineers email covering what has transpired on the project this last month.
3. Trombetta Property Clean-up: Steve read the letter received from the Trombetta’s requesting a 60-day extension on the clean-up. Fire Chief Kuther said that he would not authorize a burn in town so he got permission from Larry Riggers to haul to his pit. To date only a few vehicles have been hauled off the property not much of anything else has been removed. There is nothing in the dumpster the city provided. Discussion followed on the cleanup and the council agreed that the constituents would be very upset if the city does the cleanup. The council will agree to an extension if there is a noticeable change to the property by November 18th but not a 60-day extension. If the city is forced to pay for the clean-up the cost will become a lien on the property. This decision was backed up by a motion by Cm. Zenner and seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried. Clerk Schmidt was informed to contact the attorney for a letter to the Trombetta’s informing them of the stipulations for an extension.
4. Election: Accept County Canvas: Mayor Bateman read the results of the election and asked for a motion to accept the county canvas. Cm. Zenner moved to accept the canvas results of the county, motion was seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried.
5. Comprehensive Plan & Survey Review: Clerk Schmidt asked if the council had the opportunity to review the survey and if they had any changes to it or anything to add. There was some confusion to the zoning map which Schmidt informed that the wrong diagram was in the paper copy and pulled the correct diagram for the council to review. The survey will be advertised on the website and city Facebook page for residents to complete. Christine Frei will be able to pull the survey results for the December meeting.
1. Maintenance
Water: Cardwell informed the council that the water problem has not been repaired as parts aren’t available. He has also ordered meters and they are backordered. He did receive a new fire hydrant and will get it in this week. Since having issues with lead and copper sampling last month he has had to follow up with more samples that came back with results in the allowed percentages. We will have to report on the CCR that samples were taken from unapproved residents that aren’t on the site plan. We will stick to the approved site plan in the future.
Sewers: Cardwell reported that he has the water meter in for Tom Scott but has yet to get the sewer in and told the council his plans on how to run it to Walnut. Discharging will commence in December. Maintenance has some work to do at Maple & 2nd.
Parks: Christmas lights start going up this week. There is a need to purchase a new back pack blower for cleaning up leaves.
Streets: Knife River has been back to complete the manhole covers in the streets and work on the storm drain at Oak and 5th Avenue. They also brought in a grinder and worked in front of the EMS building. A company was intown doing the painting on the highway so Cardwell got them to paint lines on the new pavement on Oak between 3rd and 4th Avenues for $250.00. Working to get the plows on the trucks to get ready for snow. Sweeper still needs to be repaired.
Other: The museum has been winterized and a new water heater and faucet installed at the Senior Center. Cardwell has been project planning new tennis court bathrooms and described his idea to the council. He will draw his idea out; the new building would have his and hers plus an area for maintenance and a storage unit for the tennis equipment. Mayor Bateman added that a pothole on 3rd needs fixed and the recycling needs to be hauled off.
2. Clerk
Website: Assistant Kim Johnson has been able to successfully add the agenda and minutes to the website so Sharon Harris has turned in her last timesheet. We have found a website template designed specifically for cities and we like the format so will be slowly but surely moving to this new design. Sharon wanted to thank the mayor and council for allowing her to do the website for many years as she really enjoyed it.
Utility Payments: We are able to take credit card payments at city hall now. We have successfully taken 1 this last month.
Santa Visit in Park: Sam Altman is scheduling the Service League Santa visit on December 11th in the park if nothing else is scheduled for that date?
Senior Center Gutter: Mary Ann Hess would like to get the water to run away from the building so whether we need new gutters or drain tile we need something done.
FEMA Covid Projects: FEMA called about any projects that could be completed before the end of the year? We can still get FEMA monies for projects in 2022.
Thank you for the second comprehensive plan survey!!
3. Fire Department-No report
Grant: Mayor Bateman has a Blue Shield Grant for $10,000 for kids. We will check with Mark Hand at the Cornerstone as he might have a need for something to benefit kids.
Matt Florek Trees: Matt has 4 dead trees and asked if the city would drop the trees. There is a question as to whose property the trees are on. Following discussion, the city will not remove the trees or we will have to remove anyone’s trees when they ask.
Leaves: The street sweeper is down so we need to remind people not to blow leaves into the streets. They can be hauled to the dumpster at the school. We will post to city Facebook page.
Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: December 13 and January 10 at 5:30PM
Holiday Closures: November 11th, 25th & 26th December 24th & 31st
The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, December13th at 5:30PM at City Hall.
____________________________ ____________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer