May 10, 2021
PLACE: Training Room – Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.
PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, Michelle Lyons, Mike Jensen and Tyler Nelson; Fire Chief Dave Kuther, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell and Clerk-Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Cm. James Zenner was absent. Guess present was newly hired Office Assistant Kimberly Johnson.
Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman.
MINUTES of the previous meeting of 4/12/2021 were approved as emailed with one correction to the time the meeting was adjourned upon a motion by Cm. Jensen, motion was seconded by Cm. Nelson, motion carried.
The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated May 10, 2021 was examined and approved, showing the following:
Funds on Hand $535,454.79
All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Lyons in the total of $41,580.01 check numbers 15862 through 15905. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $64,396.12. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well as the Payment Approval Report for May.
No members of the public were in attendance to make comment.
1. Sewer Project Updates – See Uptmor email in packets: Cardwell was able to dig down about 10 feet, fairly rocky but he was able to dig through it. Cardwell didn’t see an issue but thought they may need to blast due to a lot of clay being present. The city received notice that the city will be getting a block grant for $500,000 which pays for a project engineer and the grant writing. JUB has started the Environmental Assessment and still awaiting the legal description on the property from Cuddy & Associates to move to the appraisal phase. John Lynn with RD is working on his funding as well.
2. Knife River Paving Proposal: Cardwell described the proposal to the council. There are 4 different options to choose from. Following discussion, the council decided that they would like the culvert at the post office replaced and the approach to the post office rehabilitated and an overlay that runs from 4th Avenue to the school. Cm. Nelson moved to accept 20 and 40 of the proposal approximately $43,000 including the city replacing the catch basin at the post office and Knife River rehabbing the post office approach. Cm. Lyons seconded the motion. Cardwell will contact Knife River regarding the council add-on of the overlay from 4th to the post office. This project will replace the summer chip sealing projects due to funding restraints.
3. Ida-Lew Support Sponsorship: Every year the city agrees a $1,000 sponsorship of the program; motion by Cm. Jensen, seconded by Cm. Nelson, motion carried.
4. After School Program – Proposal Use of Community Center – Set Rate: Clerk Schmidt explained that a new program is in early development stages for kids younger than those going to the teen center. This new program is looking for a facility to use on a regular basis and would like to use the community center and was hoping the city might create a new rate for this use. Following discussion, the council agreed that they would not charge for the use but the organization would need to be responsible in cleaning and keeping the facility in good working order.
5. Resolution R2021-4 – Unneutered Dog Fee: Following review of the resolution establishing a fee of $35.00 for an unneutered dog. Cm. Jensen moved to suspend the rules while Cm. Nelson seconded the motion. Roll call vote was as follows:
Jensen: Aye,
Nelson: Aye,
Lyons: Aye.
Motion by Cm. Jensen to accept Resolution R2021-4 as presented while Cm. Nelson seconded the motion. Roll call vote was as follows.
Jensen: Aye,
Nelson: Aye,
Lyons: Aye.
6. Museum Improvements – Gutters & Dehumidifier: The gutters have been replaced and the bill for the work is in the bills which leaves the dehumidifier purchase. Clerk Schmidt has two proposals; one for $1,500 and the other for $1,900. Cm. Jensen suggested that we look on Amazon for something more affordable.
7. Violation Letters – Nuisance & Dog: Nothing new to report except that Clerk Schmidt has been working with the Sheriff on the barking dog problem and that she needs to follow up with the attorney regarding a standard letter to send to violators and didn’t want to send any more letters until the new doggie stations were up; adding that after the happenings of the last couple weeks she is a very leery of sending additional letters.
1. Maintenance
Water: Cardwell reported that the check valve back flow device at the Lions field has been fixed. They have upgraded some meters and will need to order more and everything is ready and waiting on the contractors that will be installing the water line at the Willow Street Development.
Sewer: Discharging has begun again and samples are looking good; maintenance will be needing to do something about the rodent problem at the lagoons.
Parks: Mowing has begun and Laysn Berry will be coming back for the summer. Maintenance will be installing the new doggie stations after working out the locations for those.
Animals: There is a feral cat problem going on and the city was asked to help with it so will be trapping cats and relocating them to some houses out of town.
Other: The Fair Board needs work on a drainage problem in the alley behind the Don Baldus building. Cardwell asked if we should offer the Trombetta’s a roll off to assist with cleanup of the property following the fire but it was decided until the tape comes down there isn’t much that can be done. Clerk Schmidt will not be charging for additional services and will work with Roger to collect the outstanding bill.
2. Clerk
Office Assistant: Clerk Schmidt introduced Kimberly Johnson to the council as the newly hired office assistant. Kim will be working 2 to 3 days a week. She will work every Friday so that the office is open 5 days a week. She is learning the utility billing, helped with the yard sale and will be creating a Facebook page for the city.
Arbor Day: Since the last meeting we had a very quiet Arbor Day replanting a tree at the arena and giving away several trees at the Senior Center followed by honoring the 2019 Volunteers of the Years Fred and Mary Ann Hess with a plaque and by planting a tree of their choice in their yard.
Elections: Clerk Schmidt attended an AIC training in Moscow and learned that the legislature moved city elections to even years so will need to follow up on how that will affect the elections coming up. We are scheduled to have an election this year and the council positions up are Cm. Jensen and Cm. Lyons. More information is expected on that in the coming months.
3. Fire Department
Hydrants: Following the fire the hydrant at the city shop needs replaced and will cost approximately $3,000. EMS is planning a Saturday night dinner for Prairie Day. Maintenance Cardwell asked Dave about hauling the city recycling as the bins are full.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:54AM.
Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: May 10th and June 14th at 7:00AM
The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, June 14th at 7AM at City Hall.
_____________________ __________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer