
(Minutes subject to council approval)



September 12, 2022


PLACE:  Training Room, Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.


PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, Mike Jensen, Tyler Nelson, Kimberly Ingram (via Zoom), James Zenner, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell, Office Assistant Kim Johnson Ingram, and Clerk/Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Guest present via Zoom was auditor Jordan Zwygart of the firm Zwygart John & Associates.

Pledge of Allegiance:  The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman.


No members of the public in attendance wanted to make comment.

MINUTES of the previous meeting of 8/22/22 and 8/8/22 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Zenner was seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried.


The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated September 12, 2022 was examined and approved, showing the following:

Funds on Hand                   $553,788.89   (approximate as no Pool received)                         

All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Nelson in the total of $82,010.89 check numbers 16581 through 16621. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $39,493.95. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well all signed the Claim Approval Report for September.


1. Public Hearing on Budget Amendment: No members of the public were on hand to make comment on the budget amendment. No other comments were offered.

2. Adoption of Budget Amendment Ordinance 2022-9: Mayor Bateman read the title of Ordinance 2022-9 to amend Appropriation Ordinance 2021-8 to receive the revenues needed to purchase the property for the Wastewater Land App project. Following the reading of the title Mayor Bateman asked for a motion to suspend the rules for 2 additional readings. Cm. Zenner moved to suspend the rules while Cm. Jensen seconded the motion. The following is the roll call vote for the record:

            Cm. Nelson, aye;

            Cm. Jensen, aye;

            Cm. Zenner, aye;

            Cm. Ingram, aye.

Mayor Bateman then asked for a motion to adopt Ordinance 2022-9. Cm. Jensen made the motion to adopt the ordinance while Cm. Nelson seconded the motion.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Cm. Nelson, aye;

            Cm. Jensen, aye;

            Cm. Zenner, aye;

            Cm. Ingram, aye.

3. Audits FYE 2020 and FYE 2021 – Jordan Zwygart: Mayor Bateman welcomed Jordan to the meeting and introduced the council followed by Jordan introducing himself. Jordan walked the council through each of the audits adding that everything appeared materially correct and found no issues with either fiscal year. Following Jordan’s report, Mayor Bateman asked for a motion to approve both audits. Cm. Jensen moved to accept the audits as presented, Cm. Zenner seconded the motion, motion carried.

4.  WW Land App Project Update: Mayor Bateman informed the council that he, Maintenance Cardwell and Clerk Schmidt met with JUB engineers Amy Uptmor and Colt Shelton to discuss land app design. A few days later Mayor Bateman and Maintenance Cardwell met with ITD to discuss easements for putting in an access road north of the gun club to the new lagoons to the east of Hwy. 62 and the possibility of putting in a road from Hwy. 64 west toward the airport which would be 1st Avenue (the city does have a right-of-way). Clerk Schmidt will be pulling information and working on the ITD applications for these easements.

5. Huggins Land Acquisition Update: The purchase is still in the works as we are awaiting the completion of the survey then we will be able to proceed with getting this purchase wrapped up. This purchase will give us the wellhead protection required by DEQ.

6. Airport Project Update: Mayor Bateman informed that the bid process has been pushed back because of the cost of materials, primarily fuel at the present time. The engineer believes that we do not have the budget to cover the project at this time. Hopefully costs fall in the meantime so that bids can go out in January and the project can be completed in August of 2023.


Maintenance Report

Water: Cardwell reportedthat it has been a busy month for water. Completed a sanitary survey and passed; lead and copper samples were completed.  Maintenance has several meters to install. Cardwell spent several days trying to find a water line to install a meter for the RV at 8th and Walnut. Then will get meters installed for the Hardisty house, Tom Scott, the school livestock barn and work on the water line at the Willow Street development. Cardwell added that well levels have been a little lower than usual. The pump on Well 4 will need to be pulled to add a control variable drive. Cardwell will speak with Amy Uptmor about a new well.

Sewer: No discharge this month. For the sewer install we will need to send RFP’s to three contractors; we have yet to put together the RFP.

Streets: Not much going on with streets. Randy Winner did ask Cardwell to ask the council if they would like to sell 6th Avenue to him? Mike Murt spoke to Cardwell about moving his water line since he has no easement; Cardwell suggested that he speak with the property owner and ask about getting an easement. Murt’s don’t like their water pressure but they installed a 1 inch line and should have installed a 2 inch line.

Parks: Parks are in good shape since hiring an outside service to do the maintenance. We have had some kids in the park until 1AM. Cardwell described his plan to move the burn pile and how to get access to it. He added that Hillco is selling their John Deere cat for $35,000 and asked if the city would be interested in it. Cardwell asked if it was okay to donate gravel to the school for the new livestock barn; council was in agreeance.

Senior Center: Cardwell reported that during a storm water backed up and filled the window wells which leaked back into the building. So, the building had to be dried out again. Cardwell will seal around the windows. The contractor can not find the ceiling tiles so that building still isn’t finished. Cardwell asked the council if they would consider selling the building if we could. Clerk Schmidt will look into whether it can be sold because it had a block grant or two in the 1980’s.

2. Clerk

Ida-Lew Membership: Following discussion Cm. Zenner moved to pay a membership of $500.00 rather than the annual $1,000.00, Cm. Nelson seconded the motion, motion carried.

Zoom: Currently the city has a free Zoom membership but would have more options for meetings (recording & longer meetings) if we actually purchase a membership. Cm. Nelson moved to purchase zoom and update our audio situation, Cm. Zenner seconded the motion, motion carried.

3.  Fire Department

No report.


Mayor will sign up for the walking challenge.

ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:50AM.        

Other/Upcoming Events:

Upcoming Council Meetings: Oct. 11th at 7:00AM and November 14th at 5:30PM

The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Tuesday, October 11th at 7AM at City Hall.

__________________________                                _____________________________

Steve A. Bateman, Mayor                                           Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer