
(Minutes subject to council approval)



November 14, 2022


PLACE:  Training Room, Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.


PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, Tyler Nelson, Mike Jensen, Kimberly Ingram (via Zoom), James Zenner, Fire Chief Dave Kuther, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell, Office Assistant Kim Johnson Ingram, and Clerk/Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Guests present were Amy Uptmor, JUB Engineer and Amy Manning, Executive Director of the III-A.

Pledge of Allegiance:  The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman.

PUBLIC HEARING:  Budget Amendment FYE 2021-2022

1.  Adopt Amendment Ordinance 2023-1: Mayor Bateman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone would like to comment on the proposed budget amendment of $140,000 to cover expenses paid in water and wastewater. No comments were made for or against amending the budget. Following the reading of the ordinance title Mayor Bateman asked for a motion to suspend the rules for 2 additional readings. Cm. Zenner moved to suspend the rules while Cm. Nelson seconded the motion. The following is the roll call vote for the record:

            Cm. Nelson, aye;

            Cm. Jensen, aye;

            Cm. Zenner, aye;

            Cm. Ingram, aye.

Mayor Bateman then asked for a motion to adopt Ordinance 2023-1. Cm. Jensen made the motion to adopt the ordinance while Cm. Zenner seconded the motion. Roll call vote was as follows:

Cm. Nelson, aye;

            Cm. Jensen, aye;

            Cm. Zenner, aye;

            Cm. Ingram, aye.

PUBLIC COMMENT – No Comments Received

MINUTES of the previous meeting of 10/11/2022 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Jensen was seconded by Cm. Nelson, motion carried.


The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated November 14, 2022 was examined and approved, showing the following:

Funds on Hand                   $474,2053.18                     

All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Nelson and seconded by Cm. Jensen in the total of $101,221.21 check numbers 16675 through 16721. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $51,651.54. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well all signed the Claim Approval Report for November.


1. III-A Annual Report: Amy Manning, Executive Director gave an overview of the progress made by the III-A in the last year. Her report covered growth, staff and team operations, programs, wellness screenings, finances and the future of the III-A. Amy explained that they are working really hard to keep rates affordable as COVID numbers and high claims had an impact on the trust this last year; so, they are working to catch medical issues through screenings. They really focus on wellness and have had great success with mental health and the telehealth programs.

2. JUB Scope of Work and Fee WW Land Ap Project: JUB Engineer Amy Uptmor walked the council though the Scope of Work Agreement for Professional Services including project understanding, funding, schedule, design development and answered the councils’ questions. Following review of the agreement, Cm. Jensen made a motion to accept the contract as presented, Cm. Ingram seconded the motion, motion carried with all ayes. Amy informed the council that there will be a construction contract coming at a future date. She added that the SRF/ARPA application will be completed and submitted to the DEQ in December. Council discussed buying gravel for the project to have on hand for the contractor.

3. Time Value Investments – Bond Investment? Council members and Clerk Schmidt discussed a few of the options and came upon an agreement that right now is not the right time to invest and will revisit at a later date.

4. Huggins Property Acquisition Update: The city attorney and Huggin’s attorneys have come to an agreement and the purchase and sell agreement has been received. Mayor Bateman and Clerk Schmidt will sign it and get it back to Huggin’s attorney for her signature so the title company can start working on the title work. The agreement has a closing date of December 15th so we need to get this deal completed before the year end.

5. Zwygart John CPA Contract for 2022 Audit: In the council packet is the engagement letter for the 2022 Audit and the amount stated is $11,500.00. Following discussion Cm. Nelson moved to sign the engagement letter, motion was seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried. Clerk Schmidt informed that the audit is on the calendar to begin on March 9, 2023.

6. Christmas Party Date and Theme Announcement: Deputy Clerk Kim Johnson Ingram passed out a flyer of Murder Mystery themes and asked the council to pick their top three picks and return to her so that we can calculate which theme was the favorite for a fun filled evening for the city holiday event. Cm. Nelson and his wife have graciously offered their home for the event and Friday, December 16th was chosen for the get together. Once the party theme is decided upon the clerk’s office will get the invitations out.

7. Blue Cross Grant/Nezperce Service League Community Grant: Clerk Schmidt informed that the Mayor and Schmidt completed the Blue Cross Academy in October and informed Blue Cross that the $20,000 grant will be used to build bathrooms at the Tennis Park. Clerk Schmidt applied for additional funds through the Nezperce Service League. NOTE: Schmidt received an email informing that the league will not be funding our project so we will start looking for other grant possibilities.


1. Maintenance          

Water: Maintenance Cardwell reported that maintenance have completed winterizing for the winter. The water line is completed and meters installed for the Willow Street Development. Wells are running continually and Cardwell is trying to diagnosis the problem. Cardwell has a call into KME to possibly reprogram them to make them more efficient.

Sewer: Started discharging in November.

Parks: Cardwell informed that the RV Park bathrooms are reopened after vandalism. We figured out who the culprits are and Clerk Schmidt spoke with the grandparent of one of the kids who affirmed the names of the kids involved. Cardwell added that the bathrooms and storage room at the Tennis Courts have been cleaned out and disconnected from services to get them ready for removal.

Equipment: Cardwell informed that Mayor Bateman approved the purchase of a surplus pickup for the city for $1,300. Hillco has a John Deere 450 dozer for sale for $35,000 and Cardwell asked if the council is interested in purchasing it. The council would like to consider it and make a decision next month.

Gravel: Mayor Bateman informed that when rock crushing begins, the city needs to purchase rock for seal coating, the airport widening project and the coming sewer project. Amy Uptmor will come up with some stats of what the contractor will need for the sewer project.

2.  Clerk – nothing more to report.

3.  Fire Department 

Fire Chief Kuther reported that all pumps are working after the Mosman fire which is good news to report. He has a need for a nozzle and asked if there was money in the fire budget; Clerk Schmidt responded that there is; so Kuther will order a nozzle or two. Fire hydrants were discussed and Cardwell informed that 2 were upgraded this year and he plans to upgrade 2 a year.


ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 6:38PM.

Other/Upcoming Events:

Upcoming Council Meetings: December 12th and January 9, 2023 at 5:30PM

Holiday Closures: November 24th and 25th and December 26th and January 2nd and 16th, 2023

The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, December 12th at 5:30PM at City Hall.

__________________________                                _____________________________

Steve A. Bateman, Mayor                                           Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer