(Minutes subject to council approval)
April 10, 2023
PLACE: Training Room, Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.
PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, Tyler Nelson, Mike Jensen and Kimberly Ingram, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell, Office Assistant Kim Johnson Ingram, and Clerk/Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Absent was Councilmember James Zenner and Fire Chief Dave Kuther. Guests present: Krista Baker of CEDA via zoom.
MINUTES of the previous meeting of 3/13/2023 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Nelson was seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried.
The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated March 13, 2023 was examined and approved, showing the following:
Funds on Hand $581,133.76 (Approximate as pool not received)
All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Nelson in the total of $122,415.11 check numbers 16887 through 16946. Check numbers 16933-16938 voided due to internet interruption when printing. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $766,851.80. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well all signed the Claim Approval Report for April.
1. Airport: Three bids were received to widen the runway and each of the bids was $100,000 or more over the engineers estimate so we will take the 120 days allowed to decide if we are going to move forward and accept a bid and look for additional funds to make up the difference.
2. Land App: Maintenance Cardwell gave a rundown on the rock the city is purchasing for the project, purchasing for the airport project and rock for streets. Clerk Schmidt happily informed the council that she received a reimbursement from the ARPA funding and paid off the loan at the credit union from the land app property purchase. The rest of the funds received has been moved to savings. Clerk Schmidt will contact engineer Amy about our next project planning meeting as we have not had one for the month.
3. Gem Grant: The city applied for funds to complete a storm drain project from Maple St. to Oak St. on 5th Avenue on the north side of the street. Catch basins and pipe will be installed to connect to the city storm drain system in Oak. We should hear if we get the funds in the coming month. This is a grant that the city can apply for over and over for small city projects.
4. Compliance office: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that the person the city was working with has taken another position. The city attorney provided a contract to be modified for the position. Schmidt will then advertise for the position and hopefully we will get someone on board.
5. Fair housing Proclamation: Annually April is fair housing month and the city is required to advertise a proclamation saying so. Cm. Jensen moved to accept the proclamation, motion was seconded by Cw. Ingram, motion carried.
6. CEDA Annual Meeting: CEDA is hosting their annual meeting on Thursday, April 27th at the Clearwater Casino. No one will be able to attend due to prior commitments.
7. DIGB2 Broadband Grant: Krista Baker introduced herself to the council as she has been with CEDA for a year. Krista informed that she is working on a District 2 grant for Broadband with Idaho County called DIGB2. This grant will get fiber in the ground from Orofino to Nezperce, Nezperce to Grangeville and from Grangeville to Star. This will bring the Nezperce community speeds of 100/100. The group is also working with 2 internet service providers on the project. The city previous promised $1,500 dollars for broadband and will send the money and a letter of support.
Sewer: Cardwell informed the council that he spoke with DEQ about our sewer line installs and was told that the job needs to be engineered. He informed Amy and she was going to look into it as she thinks she knows how we can work to keep the costs down.
Streets: Maintenance is removing the old planters so that he can place the new ones and will get the streets swept after the repairing of a valve. Grading will get completed in the industrial area and alleys and then the rock will be coming in by the end of the month. Stock piling rock will take up much of Cardwell’s time; the city rented a cat.
Water: There have been several leaks over the winter that will be reviewed once the meters are read this month.
Seniors Center: Cardwell met with the contractor to go over a checklist of minor repairs. The seniors wrestled with deciding what to purchase with funds needed to be spent by the end of March.
EMS Building: The city bought a dishwasher from the seniors that they do not need at the center. Cardwell resolved the water heater dilemma and we will save the other one for the legion.
Cardwell thanked the council for the raise.
Staff Needs: There have been 2 people inquiring about the open maintenance position, but no applications yet. Advertising will continue for now.
Petty Cash: Clerk Schmidt asked for an increase in Petty Cash. Cm. Nelson moved that the cash be increased to $500.00, Cm. Jensen seconded the motion, motion carried.
Lead and Copper: The maintenance and clerks offices are participating in a webinar today to learn about the new requirements for lead and copper reporting.
Budget Hearing: Following discussion it was decided to set the hearing for 8AM on August 28.
DEQ SRF Resolution: Clerk Schmidt is having Herrington draft a resolution as requested by DEQ that will increase sewer fees $5.00 to be reserved to payoff the revolving funds loan.
Blue Cross Grant: Clerk Schmidt updated last year’s grant and resubmitted it to Blue Cross for $85,000. (The city received word that we will not be rewarded).
ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 6:21PM
Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: May 8th and June 12th at 7AM
The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, May 8th at 7AM at City Hall.
__________________________ _____________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer