June 14, 2021
PLACE: Training Room – Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.
PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, James Zenner, Mike Jensen and Tyler Nelson; Fire Chief Dave Kuther, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell, Office Assistant Kimberly Johnson and Clerk-Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt by Zoom. Cm. Michelle Lyons was absent. Guests present were Sheriff Jason Davis and residents Larry Hess and Desiree Barnett.
Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by Mayor Bateman.
MINUTES of the previous meeting of 5/10/2021 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Zenner, motion was seconded by Cm. Nelson, motion carried.
The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated June 14, 2021 was unavailable as clerk has been out with COVID-19.
All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Nelson in the total of $47,656.74 check numbers 15906 through 15955.
Larry Hess: Hess wanted to know when the culvert and pavement will be addressed on Ash Street with the addition of a catch basin to prevent the water from flowing into the neighbor’s garage. Maintenance Supervisor Cardwell informed Mr. Hess the work will be done after the school project is complete. Ash Street will be added to the dust abatement in July.
Desiree Barnett: Came to discuss her dogs and the complaint letters she has received. Desiree feels that she is unfairly picked on. Stating that her dogs are inside more of the time than they are outside in the yard. Cardwell stated that he can see the dogs barking along with Cm Nelson. Sheriff Davis explained to Desiree that they don’t go out looking for dogs that are barking nor do they go around counting dogs in the community. They only go to homes when they receive a complaint. She added that she has never felt welcome and continued to interrupt Mayor Bateman who was stating that our little community helped raise funds and donations for them when their home burned down a few years ago. Desiree stated that her dogs are therapy dogs and would like the council to give her an exception. The consensus of the council was that they want to stand behind the ordinance.
1. Sheriff Jason Davis: Gave a rundown of calls and Kamiah has the mast majority and Nezperce has the least, but is probably the most patrolled. They are fully staffed at this time. The police department is updating the equipment and will have the text 911. Prosecution is at 50% as Covid has slowed down the number of cases. Stated that last year in the contract they didn’t ask for an increase and he politely asked for a 3% increase. The contract provided is for $41,919.39 with the hanger rent allowance of $9,991.43 so the city will pay $31,927.96 for the year. Motioned to approve Cm. Zenner second Cm Jensen, motion carried.
2. Nuisance & Dog Ordinance: Sheriff Davis added that he has spoken with City Attorney Herrington who will be sending a letter to the Barnett’s regarding their dog issue. Clerk Schmidt added that she has been informed that the city will be receiving a check for the Nibert outstanding utility bill, approximately $7,000.00.
3. Dog Ordinance 2021-5 – Amends Section 6-314: Penalty for Violation: This ordinance amendment will make violations an infraction instead of a misdemeanor. Cm. Jensen moved to suspend the rules while Cm. Zenner seconded the motion. Roll call vote was as follows:
Jensen: Aye,
Nelson: Aye,
Zenner: Aye,
Lyons: Absent.
Motion by Cm. Jensen to accept Ordinance 2021-5 as presented while Cm. Zenner seconded the motion. Roll call vote was as follows.
Jensen: Aye,
Nelson: Aye,
Zenner: Aye,
Lyons: Absent.
3. Sewer Project Updates – See Uptmor email in packets: Not much has changed this last month. Uptmor is dealing with the surveyor to get the survey completed and the legal description written. Once the survey is complete the information goes to the appraiser. Then hopefully we can get something going on the property acquisition.
4. Knife River Paving: They are working on school project currently and are pushing our project out until August. Knife River was told the project would need to be completed prior to Prairie Days.
5. Surplus Dump Truck: Cardwell explained why we need to upgrade our dump truck and then proposed to buy a 93 GMC with 160,000 miles on it in Rigby, ID. Following discussion Cm. Nelson moved to purchase the truck for $6400.00, Cm. Zenner seconded the motion, motion carried.
6. Dust Abatement: Dust control oil will be done on the 6th of July. All regular dust control routes will be done including the addition of Ash Street. Discussion ensued regarding Prairie Highway district straightened out the corner at Rod Robert’s house adding that State is making him move his driveway.
7. Prairie Day Update: City will buy prime rib and the hog Friday night. Prime rib prices are way up.
8. American Relief Plan Act funding: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that she was approached by Christine Frei regarding the city coming up with some monies for broadband expansion out of the ARP monies even a small amount. They are working to get 5 counties and the communities to join forces. Following discussion Cm. Nelson moved to support the cause with $1,500, motion was seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried.
9. Airport Grant to Widen Runway: Clerk Schmidt received a call from the state as they are reviewing the grant application to widen the runway by 20 feet. The state has received a pot of relief monies and it is the perfect time to apply for a large project as there is no match requirement. The state would like the city to have the project engineered. Schmidt informed the State Aeronautics that she didn’t think it would be a problem to call JUB and get them involved; it would add some money to the project. The council said to move forward with a call to JUB.
10. Misc. Needs: Clerk Schmidt had cost estimates for a file cabinet for the office and two humidifiers for the museum, $400 total. Motion to approve by Cm. Nelson, Cm. Jensen seconded the motion, motion carried.
11. Subdivision Ordinance: Cardwell explained that by having our own ordinance developers develop the infrastructure to our specifications as the building boom is coming here and we need to be prepared. The council agreed to move forward with an ordinance.
1. Maintenance
Water: The water line in the Willow Street Development is in and maintenance will be installing a new hydrant by the city shop.
Sewer: Discharging continues at the lagoons, there was a sewer line backup at Bryant’s but got it flowing. Coach’s had problem turned out to not be a city issue.
Parks: Maintenance will be getting parks in shape for Prairie Day.
Streets: Culvert installed and sweeper repaired.
2. Clerk
City Hall: While Schmidt was out of the office Kim has been holding the fort doing a good job. Schmidt should be back in the office tomorrow.
3. Fire Department
Hydrant: Fire Chief Kuther asked Cardwell about installing a hydrant for the Willow Street Subdivision.
Garbanzo Bean Festival: The first ever festival is in the works and will take place during the Lewis County Fair. More information will be coming regarding what this will entail.
Trombetta House: Discussion of what to do with the Trombetta house. Until the investigation is completed there is nothing to be done. Julie Kelley would like her garage taken down.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:54AM.
Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: July 12 and August 9th at 7:00AM
Prairie Day July 9 & 10
The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, July 12th at 7AM at City Hall.
_________________________ _____________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer