Ordinances, Resolutions & Policies

Preliminary Notice

The City of Nezperce intends to seek financial assistance from USDA, Rural Utilities Service (RUS) for construction of wastewater facilities improvements. The proposed project consists of pump station facilities, storage lagoons, and irrigations systems to satisfy compliance with the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the EPA. The project was detailed as part of the City’s Wastewater Facilities Plan, and is planned for construction north of the City’s existing treatment lagoons. If implemented, the proposed project may convert portions of the floodplain through construction of the storage lagoons. FEMA maps indicate a 100 year floodplain elevation at City limits near the middle of the airport landing strip is approximately 3199 ft (NGVD29) [Approximately 3202 ft NAVD88]. FEMA floodmaps are unavailable for the impacted area within the County. The preliminary concept layout of the proposed storage ponds show the embankment is near the floodplain. The Top-of-Bank elevation of the proposed structure is approximately 3224 ft NAVD88, for vertical separation from the stream of approximately 22 ft. The lowest TOE elevation of the pond embankment is approximately 3204 ft NAVD88. Using a conservative projection of the floodplain from City limits, no work within the projected floodplain is therefore anticipated. In the event of changes to the preliminary concept during final design, maximum disturbance below the elevation of 3204 ft near the stream will be less than 8 acres. In accordance wit Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management and USDA Departmental Regulation 9500-3, Land Use Policy, the purpose of this notice is to inform the public of this proposed conversion or effect and request comments concerning the proposal, alternative sites or actions that would avoid these impacts, and methods that could be used to minimize these impacts.

The environmental documentation regarding this proposal is available for review at the USDA Rural Development Office at 7830 N Meadowlark Way, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815. For questions regarding this proposal, contact Howard Lunderstadt at 208-762-4939.

Any person interested in commenting on this proposal should submit comments to the address above by July 23, 2021.

Published in the Lewis County Herald July 8, 2021