Budget & Financial Reports
A PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO Idaho Code 50-1002 will be held for consideration of the proposed budget for the fiscal year from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. The hearing will be held at City Hall, 606 Maple Street, Nezperce, Idaho at 5:30PM on August 26, 2019. All interested persons are invited to appear and show cause, if any, why such budget should or should not be adopted. Copies of the proposed City budget in detail are available at City Hall during regular office hours. City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone desiring accommodations for disabilities related to the budget documents or to the hearing, please contact City Hall, 208-937-1021 at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing. The proposed FY 2019-2020 budget is shown below as FY 2020 proposed budget expenditures and revenues.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Actual Budget Current Budget Proposed Budget
Fund Name Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures
General Fund
Administration 128,226.00 115,851.00 128,721.00
Public Safety 49,658.00 63,860.00 58,173.00
EMS Building Fund 276,043.00 35,000.00 35,000.00
Fire GO Bond 6,148.00 12,296.00 12,296.00
Parks & Recreation 54,830.00 67,180.00 70,870.00
Total General Fund 514,905.00 294,187.00 305,060.00
Street Fund 122,915.00 106,162.00 122,219.00
Tort Fund 10,326.00 10,842.00 11,391.00
Water Fund 98,616.00 99,316.00 99,816.00
Sewer Fund 120,584.00 187,493.00 327,850.00
Sewer Bond 28,717.00 28,717.00 28,717.00
Sanitation Fund 91,556.00 91,556.00 95,620.00
Subtotal Expenditures 472,714.00 524,086.00 685,613.00
Grand Total All Funds 987,619.00 818,273.00 990,673.00
FY 2018 FY2019 FY 2020
Actual Budget Current Budget Proposed Budget
Fund Name Revenues Revenues Revenues
Property Tax Levy
General 144,607.00 140,260.00 132,960.00
Ag Replacement 4,658.00 4,658.00 4,658.00
Fire GO Bond 6,148.00 12,296.00 12,296.00
Total Property Tax Levy 155,413.00 157,214.00 149,914.00
Revenue Sources Other Than Property Tax
General Fund 83,449.00 89,677.00 107,850.00
EMS Building Fund 0.00 35,000.00 35,000.00
Fire GO Bond 12,296.00 12,296.00
Tort 10,326.00 10,842.00 11,391.00
Street Fund 122,915.00 106,162.00 122,219.00
Water Fund 98,616.00 99,316.00 99,816.00
Sewer Fund 120,584.00 187,493.00 327,850.00
Sewer Bond 28,717.00 28,717.00 28,717.00
Sanitation Fund 91,556.00 91,556.00 95,620.00
Subtotal Revenues 556,163.00 661,059.00 840,759.00
Grand Total All Funds 711,576.00 818,273.00 990,673.00
The proposed expenditures and revenues for fiscal year 2019-2020 have been tentatively approved by the City Council and entered in detail in the Journal of Proceedings. Publication dates for the notice of the public hearing are August 15, 2019 and August 22, 2019 in the Lewis County Herald.
Rhonda J. Schmidt, CMC Clerk-Treasurer