
(Minutes subject to council approval)



February 12, 2024


PLACE:  Training Room, Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street.          Time: 5:30PM

THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY Council President Kim Ingram                 AT 5:31PM

PRESENT were Councilmembers Mike Jensen, James Zenner and Kimberly Ingram, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell, and Clerk/Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Present via Zoom were Councilmembers Kelby Heartburg and Tyler Nelson, Fire Chief Dave Kuther was absent. Council President Kimberly Ingram ran the meeting as Mayor Nelson was under the weather.


MINUTES of the previous meetings of 1/8/2024 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Zenner was seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried.


The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated February 12, 2024, was examined, and approved, showing the following:

Funds on Hand                   $489,888.83

All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Zenner in the total $185,978.46 check numbers 17386 through 17440. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $282,422.02. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well as all signed the Claim Approval Report for February. 


  1. City Attorney Contract Renewal: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that she recently spoke with a new attorney in the local area who is interested in city government and coincidentally Herrington just sent his new contract for renewal. Following discussions, the council tabled the signing of Herrington’s contract until Mayor Nelson and Clerk Schmidt can meet with McKenzie Lewis.
  1. WW Land Ap Project update – Crea Contract Review & Approve: Cm. Jensen moved to accept the contract with Crea Construction as presented, motion was seconded by Cm. Zenner, motion carried. Amy Uptmor emailed the council last months highlights. Phase 1, Crea has signed and submitted documents to the city and provided submittals for review. JUB will be working with Karl on the anticipated construction schedule. Phase 11 design is 90% complete and has been submitted to DEQ, the Corps and IDWR for review. JUB wants Phase 11 to go to bid in spring likely a March timeframe. Maintenance Craig, Colt and Amy got together and discussed the building layout last week. After reviewing the plans Craig had several questions regarding the proposed electrical unit and fencing. Cm. Ingram is curious if there are others with eyes on this Phase as we want better numbers on the cost estimate. Regarding discussions with the ag pilots Mayor Nelson spoke with pilot Ken Kuther who in return called Amy to ask questions about the project.

NOTED: A meeting with the city, pilots and JUB followed on February 29, 2024.

Clerk Schmidt informed the council that she had a conversation with the Auditor Jordan about accepting low bids. Jordan advised that the city doesn’t have to take the low bid if: the RFP is clear in explaining that the city has the right to choose a contractor that is most advantageous to the project, based on prior experience. The procurement documents must make it clear that the city has the right to choose the best contractor for the project. The council asked that Schmidt have this conversation with Amy.

  1. Migrant Drop Off – follow up: Clerk Schmidt contacted other local clerks and asked them if they had created any policy on how to handle this situation if it evolved in their city and not one city has even discussed the possibility. Clerk Schmidt then reached out to the executive director of AIC and was told that she has not heard anything in the state involving handling migrant buses. Kelley Packer will let Nezperce know if she hears of anything.
  1. Roosters in town – there is nothing in ordinances prohibiting roosters: Following discussion the council would like to address the number of chickens to a residence, and they do not want roosters in the city limits. Clerk Schmidt will follow up and get verbiage regarding the number of chickens allowed and how other cities are handling chickens and roosters.
  1. Council Severance Pay: Following discussion Cm. Zenner moved to pay council members $50 a year upon their exiting the council, motion was seconded by Cm. Heartburg, motion carried.
  2. Arbor Day – May 3rd: This year’s project will be to plant trees in the vegetative buffer of the wastewater land ap project. The planting will take most of the day, but the council agreed to have a barbecue for the community at noon.
  1. Personal Policy Update/Review: The council needs time to review the updated policy, so they tabled any discussion until next month. Cm. Jensen did say that he saw an incorrect name for the mayor.
  1. Legion Hall Remodel: Clerk Schmidt informed the council that following a conversation with grant writer Dodd Snodgrass of CEDA he recommended that the city hire an architect and get some plans drawn. The cost of the architect is a match for the project. Dodd doesn’t have time to write the grant this year, so we have one year to put together a good project. In short, the east end of the building including the kitchen, restrooms and storage will be rebuilt and extended west towards the alley; thus allowing for a larger kitchen, ADA restrooms and storage rooms to accommodate different community groups’ usage of the building. 


  1. Maintenance

Water: Cardwell reported that the last cold snap caused havoc freezing up houses and the RV Park. Thankfully maintenance caught that the heaters in the RV park bathrooms went out and was able to close the bathrooms and replace the broken heaters. The furnace at the shop and the old rural shed broke down so they had to get them repaired. He asked Quality for an estimate to upgrade those furnaces and replace them with propane heaters. He received a quote for  $5,746.00 per furnace plus we would need a propane tank.

Sewer: Cardwell explained that they stopped discharging due to not being able to get a decent E.coli test. He also informed that he and Ben took a microbiology class for two days, and it was excellent.

Parks: The Christmas lights are down; and they sterilized the ground around the playground equipment and around the flowerpots downtown.

Equipment: The hydraulics for the dump truck are being repaired at Clearwater Hydraulics in Lewiston and Cardwell called Kevin Schmidt to schedule him to look at the backhoe as it is throwing codes. 

Other: Karl and Hank of Crea Construction were here last week, and Cardwell was able to discuss the sewer line extension projects on 4th and Willow. Karl mentioned that he has a bunch of baskets  used to create retaining walls that he would donate to city for the building project at the lagoon. Cardwell would like to get the retaining wall started as weather allows.

EMS Kitchen: Cardwell and staff are going to finish the kitchen in the EMS building. We have some cabinets, refrigerator, and a dishwasher. We will need to purchase a sink, stove, countertops plus additional cabinets and paint for the floor.

Senior Center: Cardwell informed that maintenance has been working on the cement floor in the bathroom area at the Senior Center. They have it painted and need to install the trim.           

  1. Clerk

Audit: Schmidt reported that the FYE 2023 audit is underway. 

Title VI: Schmidt received an email for a webinar to complete a Title VI policy. She and Leigh will get to work on it as time allows. 

CenturyLink Claim: CenturyLink sent a bill for damage to a buried cable on 5th Avenue during the stormdrain project. Schmidt returned a letter with the Dig-line information as it was called in prior to digging. They sent a bill anyway for $1,650.76. Schmidt informed attorney Herrington and he advised that we do not pay it he was going to send a letter as well.           

  1. Fire Department – no report 


Employee Evaluations Executive Session Idaho Code 74-206 (1)(b): Evaluations were tabled until next month due to illness.

Cm. Ingram talked about an educational opportunity that she recently attended that would give the city some insight into what is happening in society that is affecting economic development. She will follow up with additional information.                                   

ADJOURNMENT at 6:45PM                      

Other/Upcoming Events:

Upcoming Council Meetings: March 11th and April 8th 5:30PM

Holiday Closures: February 19thThe next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, March 11th at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Tyler R. Nelson, Mayor                                     

   Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Trea


(Minutes subject to council approval)
January 8, 2024


PLACE: Council Chambers, Nezperce City Hall, 606 Maple Street. Time: 5:30PM


PRESENT were Councilmembers Steve Bateman, Tyler Nelson, Mike Jensen, James Zenner and Kimberly Ingram (via Zoom), Fire Chief Dave Kuther, Maintenance Supervisor Craig Cardwell and Clerk/Treasurer Rhonda Schmidt. Guests present were residents Dale Barker, Kelby Heartburg, Dan Johnson, Ashley Nelson, Wally Walbom, Mary Ann Hess, Robert Simmons and Donnie Massey.

Dan Johnson informed the council that he will be getting a roll off in the alley behind his former office as there is a cleanup in place.

Mary Ann Hess informed the council that the Senior Citizens have money to spend again this year on the Legion upgrade. She provided a list of items the Seniors have already purchased and suggestions of items to purchase this year. These monies need to be spent by the end of March.

MINUTES of the previous meetings of 12/11/2023 and 12/28/2023 were approved as emailed upon a motion by Cm. Nelson was seconded by Cm. Zenner, motion carried.

The Clerk’s Monthly Treasurer’s Report dated January 8, 2024, was examined, and approved, showing the following:

Funds on Hand $432,725.10

All bills and payroll disbursements were examined and approved for payment upon a motion by Cm. Nelson and seconded by Cm. Jensen in the total $131,649.12 check numbers 17339 through 17385. Receipts since the last meeting were shown as $109,259.65. Checks and stub approvals were signed appropriately by all parties as well as all signed the Claim Approval Report for January.


1. Official handing over of the Gavel – Exiting Mayor Bateman: While Clerk Schmidt was swearing in the new mayor and council Mayor Bateman exited the meeting.

2. Swearing in of Mayor Nelson and Councilman Zenner -Clerk Schmidt: Clerk Schmidt swore in Mayor Elect Nelson and Councilman Elect Zenner.

3. Open Council Position: Present and interested in the open council position were Dale Barker and Kelby Heartburg. Mayor Nelson gave a brief introduction of the candidates and asked each of them to give the council a little background on themselves and include why they are interested in the open council seat. Dale informed that he has been in the community for approximately 10 years and feels that he has a lot to offer the city and council. Kelby offered that he has lifelong ties to the community and is a member of the Lions Club currently holding the position of treasurer. Neither individual ran for the seat during the election timeframe nor had a reason as to why they didn’t run in August. Cm. Jensen asked if the council could have a conversation regarding the candidates before they make a motion and move forward with appointing someone. Everyone exited the room so the council could have a discussion and when they were done asked everyone to come back in. Mayor Nelson added that he felt that either candidate would have a lot to offer the council. Cm. Jensen moved to appoint Kelby Heartburg as the new councilman, Cm. Zenner seconded the motion, motion carried. Mayor Nelson asked Dale to stay around and stay involved as there will be other seats opening and the council would like him to run in the next election. Clerk Schmidt then swore in Kelby Heartburg to the council.

4. Council Department assignments are as follows:
* President: Kim Ingram following a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Heartburg, motion carried.
* Water & Sewer: Mike Jensen following a motion by Cm. Heartburg and seconded by Cm. Zenner, motion carried.
* Streets – Jim Zenner following a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Ingram, motion carried.
* Finances, Police & Dog – Kelby Heartburg following a motion by Cm. Jensen and seconded by Cm. Ingram, motion carried.
* Airport – Steve Bateman will remain the airport manager for the council.

5. Liquor License Approval: Licenses for The Only Store and the Nezperce Hotel were approved following a motion by Cm. Zenner and seconded by Cm. Jensen, motion carried.

6. Meeting Date and Time: Following discussion the council decided to keep the meeting dates and times the same for the year. The issue will be revisited for next year in time for the 2025 community calendar.

7. Policy on Migrant drop-offs: Buses of migrants have been dropped off in cities all over the country and what happens if that happens in Nezperce is the question. Following discussion, the council asked the clerk to find out if any cities in Idaho are doing or creating policies on how to handle things if it happens in Idaho. Clerk Schmidt will follow up asking the question to other clerks and the AIC.

8. WW Land App. Update: Highlights of the month from engineer Amy Uptmor included that a notice of award for Crea Construction has been prepared. Garrett Frei will be handling construction management for Phase 1. Amy and Colt will continue to assist. Phase 2 design is nearing completion, and the review phase will begin. JUB wishes to schedule a meeting to discuss costs and the budget. The council reviewed proposed days JUB suggested and decided upon the afternoon of the 24th of January at 3:30PM.

9. Senior Center Floor: The floor in the bathroom area needs some work to make it look better. It was decided to paint the concrete and install a transition to hold the flooring in place. It is inevitable that the area will take on leaks, so paint is the best option for a finish.

1. Maintenance
Water: A resident is putting up a building and wants to tie into an existing meter. Technically this is a new hookup with a new account number and eventually will need a sewer connection as well. The council agreed that it is considered a new account. Maintenance will be installing a meter at 404 Oak as there has not been one however there is a shut off.

Crea Construction will be needing lots of water for the Phase 1 project and Cardwell and Amy Uptmor are researching using dechlorinated lagoon water.
Sewer: Cardwell informed that we are discharging. There will be several new sewer hookups in the near future and more to be completed once Crea is in town.

Streets: Snow is in the forecast, so the plows are ready to go once it hits. Cardwell informed the council that he is headed north for the weekend and Ben is expecting a baby so if no one is around to plow he told the council to go for it!

Airport: The gate at the airport is getting closed at night and on the weekends as there has been some non-plane use on the runway. It was decided to change the airport gate code as well. A sign will be put up to keep people driving to the burn strip on the gravel strip and not on the runway.

Parks: As the weather permits the Christmas lights will be coming down.

Employees: Cardwell explained to the council that Reece will be coming back to work this month and that CJ is no longer with the city.

2. Clerk
Clerk Schmidt reported that the last month has been crazy with Leigh off and getting ready for Mayor Bateman’s send off. The council commented on how great the celebration turned out and it was a great time. Cm. Jensen wants proof on the Nezperce Trivia question #2. What former Nezperce resident carried the torch in the 1984 Olympics? Clerk Schmidt will check with Bridget as that was from her research! There was a request for Sheila’s chicken wing recipe.

This month will be busy at city hall with W2’s, 1099’s and other deadlines.

Clerk Schmidt will get the paperwork required to remove Mayor Nelson and Kim A. Johnson/Ingram and add Kelby Heartburg and DC Leigh Ross to the Cottonwood Credit Union accounts.

3. Fire Department
Fire Chief Kuther informed the council that there has been some discussion on creating a junior fire fighter group as there is a need for more bodies. Dave added that there has been some discussion about the ambulance due to staffing shortages as well.

COUNCIL COMMENT – No Comments   

ADJOURNMENT – Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:25PM.

Other/Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Council Meetings: January 8th and February 12th at 5:30PM The next regularly scheduled city council meeting will be on Monday, January 8th at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.

_______________________ _______________________ _____________________________
Steve A. Bateman, Mayor Tyler R. Nelson, Mayor Rhonda J. Schmidt, Clerk-Treasurer